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Literacy Lift Off

A very successful 6 week block of Literacy Lift Off with First & Second Class concluded yesterday. Have a look at the children's comments below.

"Literacy Lift Off was good. I liked the writing station because I liked using colourful pens." Tony Óg

"I enjoyed Literacy Lift Off because we get to go to 4 different teachers and do fun things with each one." Kim

"I really liked Literacy Lift Off because we got to go around to every station. The stations we went to were new book, familiar reading, writing and word work." Matthew

"I absolutely LOVE Literacy Lift Off. Michael Morpurgo should be awarded for writing Mr Skip, even if it's about a magical garden gnome who came from a big rubbish bin!" Oscar

"I enjoyed Literacy Lift Off because I get to do reading and I love reading. I enjoyed LLO because I get to write as well and I got to read Mr Skip." Laura

"I love Literacy Lift Off because my group read a novel called Mr Skip and we made it into a film poster with Ms. Crean. I love writing in LLO because it is so fun." Aideen.

"I like to work at Mrs Kehoe Cleary's station because you get to use whiteboards." Bláithín.

"I like to get new books and write at the writing station. I like to answer hard questions with Mrs Kehoe Cleary." Amy.

"I like different stations in Literacy Lift Off. I like writing at the writing station. I like the reading stations and Mrs Kehoe Cleary's too." Kyle.

"I love learning with Mrs Kehoe Cleary. I like learning the illustrations of books too." Maria

"It is fun!" Jamie

"I like playing bingo with Mrs Kehoe Cleary. I like writing too." Daniel.

"I like reading new books and talking about them." Josh.

"I like playing bingo with Mrs Kehoe Cleary. I like reading too." (Jessie).

"I like doing writing with Miss Corcoran because I like writing new things every day. My favourite thing to write is my news." Brooke.

"I enjoyed writing." James.

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