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Christmas Cracker (Draw)

There was lots of excitement in our school today because the annual Christmas Draw organised by the Parents'Association took place. Have a look at all of the winners below! Mrs Liffey thanked the Parents' Association for all of their hard work in organising the raffle. Mrs Guidera, Chairperson of the Parents' Association, told us that because we had put such an effort into selling lines on our raffle cards we'd all be in a special class draw for a Christmas hamper. I was standing beside Luke Murphy and he was hoping that his cousin Demi-Leigh would win the hamper in her class. He even crossed his fingers. Guess what? She won!!! Then our class was up next and I won a hamper. I couldn't believe it because I've never won anything before in my life. So for the rest of the day I called Luke my lucky charm. I can't wait to eat all the treats this evening (if my mother lets me). By Jack Byrne.

Christmas Draw Results 2017

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